Windsurf Leucate La FranquiPhoto de pratiquants de Windsurf à La Franqui, en fond la falaise
©DR Mondial du Vent

Rider in Windsurf !

Leucate is funboard country

Leucate, windsurf  destination!

Known worldwide for its famous Tramontane, Leucate offers ideal conditions for windsurfing, funboarding or windfoiling. Do not look further, your next windsurfing destination is here!

Less than 2 hours from Toulouse, on the Mediterranean coast, imagine a variety of spots, in the sea or in the pond, a constant and powerful wind, in a magnificent postcard setting! The best windsurfing spots in Occitanie are in Leucate!

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, whether you like tricks or long speed runs, you’ll love to ride in Leucate!

Riding with the pros

What could be better than learning to windsurf or improving your skills with the Leucate windsurf schools?

On the spot of Le Goulet, the one of Mondial du Vent or on the pond at the Port Leucate nautical base, find out about the courses and training sessions offered.

The + windsurfing in Leucate: Julien Taboulet and Nicolas Agkacyan, 2 world champions have set up their own schools offering courses for all levels. They will take you to their homespot!

Find a surfshop

You are planning your windsurfing trip to Leucate? Need to buy or rent equipment? Board ? Sail? Foil?

Leucate’s surfshops are there to find the perfect gear for your next session!

You have a problem or need to repair your equipment? In Leucate the best shapers and sailmakers will be able to help you!

Surfshops, shapers, sailmakers of Leucate…

Leucate Webcams

4 webcams to keep an eye on to prepare a windsurfing weekend or trip to Leucate ! Live spots, panoramic view, timelapse and hot weather/windguru info !

Live spots!

Restaurants for riders

Plan your windsurf trip in Leucate

Windsurf schools, surfshops, shapers, sailmakers, restaurants ans accommodations! All the choice here!
