©Leucate Tourisme
Tourism and Disability

Tourism and Disability

The Leucate Tourist Office has been awarded the Tourism & Handicap label for all four types of disability.


Tourism & Handicap Label

  • For tourism professionals

Tourisme & Handicap is a national label awarded to tourism professionals committed to a qualityapproachfocused onaccessibilityto leisure activities and vacations for all. It ensures a quality welcome that enables all people with disabilities to enjoyindependent vacations and leisure activities.

Tourism & Handicap Label
Tourism & Handicap Label
L'Aude Pays Cathare en LSF

Tourist Office - Tourism & disability accredited

Cercle de voile du Cap Leucate - Tourism & Handicap label

Sailing school on the Etangde Leucate overlooking the Canigou! The CVCL offers a wide range of equipment accessible to all types of disability. From mental to motor disabilities. The school’s state-qualified instructors are trained to welcome and supervise people with disabilities (FFH Federal Initiator). Independent access: Terrace, entrance, outdoor duckboard walkway, reception area, indoor walkways, changing rooms, WC, shower, pontoon.

Accessible beaches

At Leucate, the beach should be a pleasure for everyone! All beach access to the lifeguard posts* is on a conveyor belt that is perfectly accessible to wheelchairs and baby carriages. For people with reduced mobility, a launch(Tiralo) is available at the aid stations*, during opening hours and without reservation. Please note that the tiralo must be used under the responsibility of an accompanying person and on presentation of proof of identity. *Excluding the Coussoules beach lifeguard station ©Ligne De Flotaison To make it easier to get in and out of the water, the commune of Leucate has installed float lines at the following sites:

  • All Port Leucate lifeboat stations, including the lookout.
  • La Côte Rêvée and Le Galion lifeboat stations at Leucate Plage
  • The lifeguard station and lookout at the Villages Naturistes
  • The first-aid post at La Franqui

More information on Tourism & Handicap
