Char A Voile Leucate La FranquiPhoto de chars à voile sur la plage des Coussoules à La Franqui
©Jean Belondrade
Thrills and spills with...
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Sand yachting

La Franqui, on the immense beach of Les Coussoules, is a unique place to ride in the Mediterranean!

Gliding on the sand hardened by the sea, the wind rushing through your sail… Sand-yachting is for people of all ages. It’s easier than riding a bike, with plenty of thrills and spills right from the start!

The Cercle de Voile du Cap Leucate, the local sand yachting centre, offers rentals, lessons and advice on the spot they know by heart! You can also try dirt windsurfing or buggy kite

Cercle de voile du Cap Leucate

Sand yachting center

Rolling site of La Franqui

Freedom and fun, fuelled with adrenaline on the sand in La Franqui!

Char a voile leucate Airtrack la franqui 2
Char a voile leucate Airtrack la franqui 2
Char a voile leucate Airtrack la franqui 2