Festival Notes D'ecume Maite LouisFestival Notes D'ecume Maite Louis
©Festival Notes D'Ecume Maïté Louis|D. R.

Notes d’Écume

Classical music festival
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Classical music festival

The Notes d’Ecume Festival adds a touch of happiness and relaxation to your stay in Leucate. Twelve classical music concerts, to share, vibrate and be moved by the sound of Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi etc.


Notes d’Ecume Festival

A classical music festival on the Mediterranean coast, in Port Leucate. For almost a month, 12 concerts to share, vibrate and be moved by the sound of Schubert, Debussy, Fauré, Bizet, Mozart…

The concerts take place at 8pm at the Espace Henry de Monfreid, in Port Leucate. Free seating

Health pass and ID required

Here’s the programme!

Every weekend from the end of August to the end of September, Leucate and the Notes d’Écume Festival invite some of the most renowned artists of the French musical scene for moments of musical sharing.

The ensemble forms a fascinating mosaic of works, colours, composers, feelings, eras…


I book my stay in Port Leucate
